Otherstory Artists

All of the artists listed here have contributed to Otherstory productions – click on blue text for detailed information.


Emma Byron

Puppeteer & maker

Trevor Houghton  

Puppeteer & maker


Paul Walker  

Sound, music, graphic artist

sarah with priest

Sarah Green  

Puppeteer & maker


Catherine Lambert

graphic artist

Jack Humphreys


Jimmy Aldridge and Sid Goldsmith


Rosie Sleightholme

singer and choir leader

Other artists who have worked with Otherstory include:

Dan Gifford (film maker), Frances Howe (puppet maker & graphic artist), Ciel Incarnadine (mask & theatrical maker), Cecilia Bruzzone (mask & costume maker), Sage Brice (artist and academic).
Musicians & singers: Vlad Buxton, David Clements,Yvonna Magda, Jane Milo, Anna Riggs, Emma Simon, Agnes von Gegerfeldt